Hi folks!!
If you're reading this, thanks for stopping by to check me out! Today, I felt really impressed to speak on something that Christ has been working on with me. Lately, I've been sooo busy trying to balance school, volunteering, placements, and other commitments. The busier I became, the more I pushed Christ in the back burner. I know many of you can relate: The more things we have to juggle, the easier it becomes to make Christ less than first priority. As I reflect back to those weeks, it really breaks my heart to think of how patient and oh so merciful Christ was as I ran my life without him, or for the least, giving him the last nasty crumbs of my day. You know, the ones where you're burnt-out and extremely exhausted from the day's activities, so you just say a quick 1 minute lifeless prayer that your heart was never in...all while you're falling asleep... Rings any bells?
One day I was sitting quietly to myself, and I started asking myself, why am I so overwhelmed and worn out all the time? Why does my life feel so empty and relentless? Why am I easily irritated these days? What happened to my bubbly self? And most importantly, what happened to the peace I once had? It took that silence, that little quiet moment for me to realize how all these distractions were stealing my heart away from God, who was once my number one priority. It was then, that I realized I needed to unplug for a while; I desperately needed to refocus and recharge; I needed a shift, a reassembling of my priorities; a life-check!