Sunday, 9 September 2012

My Daily Reminders

What's up folks....

I love these simple reminders!

Tomorrow is back-to-school day for me!! YAY! I missed school (weird but true lol) and all that comes along with it, minus the all nighters. I am excited to begin a new semester! However, sometimes I get so caught up in my academic life, that I sometimes neglect other areas in my life, such as my social life, my spiritual life etc. For example, with my spiritual life, I don't give as much time as I used to give to God when my life gets so busy. So...a few months ago, my sister came up with an idea to make some daily reminders and post them up places I go often (such as my school binder, my laptop homepage, my working area at home, this blog *wink*,  etc). (Both my sister and I do this, and we came up with these together.)

The red highlighted boxes are all reminders that I post up in my room.

ü  I must remember that I am a child of God. I am not in control of myself, but must give full control to my Master, who is the Christ Jesus.
ü  My will must always be swallowed up in the will of God, who in His wisdom knows what is best for me. I must remember that He means only good for me. I must believe this beyond evidence, I must believe this because “thus said the Lord.”
ü  I must remember that I can do ALL things through my Lord, Jesus Christ, who is my strength, my help, and my only strong hold.
ü  I must trust in NO man, especially myself, who often leads me to ruin, but I must put my trust in God and Him alone.
ü  I acknowledge my weakness, my filthiness, my nothingness. Yet I have hope that I can claim Yours  Lord. I acknowledge that the Lord is my strength, my righteousness, my everything.
ü  I realize that I am not my own, and that places my under obligation to serve you all the days of my life, even in eternity. Father, it is both an honour and a great privilege to do this. I am unworthy of this, I know that full well, and for this, Father I thank you. Thank you, a million times, Thank you for using me in your service!
ü  My time, my intellect, my means, it’s not mines, it is yours. I am aware that it places me under obligation to use these talents to your glory. My time I must use wisely, guarding it closely that I may not waste as much as a minute in idleness. I must use my time, either in building my character for eternity, or serving my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. My intellect, which you have given me, I must use in helping my fellow bethrens in advancing both academically, morally and spiritually. My means, I must use not in selfish gratifications but to help advance your cause, or helping my less fortunate brothers and sisters all around me.
ü  My body is not mine! That I know full well. It is Yours oh Lord; it is your temple, holy and set apart. I must treat this temple with reverence for it is the place where you dwell. I must not cause injury to my health by intemperance in eating or drinking, neglect of exercise, lack of proper sleep, inadequate protection from temperature, lack of water, etc.
ü  God has given me kingship over my body and I should not allow my body to dictate what I do. My mind should control my body and not the other way around.
ü  I must be a Daniel! I must stand up for what is right though death is the consequence.
ü  I must have unlimited confidence in God, who has never failed me!
ü  I must practice self denial and self sacrifice moment by moment of everyday.
ü  I must remember that my brothers in Christ are visually stimulated. I must do my best to help my brothers advance in Christ by not provoking lust. I must practice self-denial and self sacrifice in dress.
ü  I must love and obey my parents in the Lord. I must remember that they are your mouth piece. If I disobey their counsel, Lord I am indirectly, no directly, disobeying you.
ü  I must, must, must be humble! For without humility, it is impossible for God to work with me! I must remember that God is not interested in how smart I am, or how talented I am, but how humble I am. The more humble I am, the more He can do through me.
ü  Whatever victory I gain in life, I must remember that it was only though Christ this was made possible!
ü  Where ever success leads me, I must remember who lead me there, who opened the doors that man thought was impossible to open. 
ü I must, by faith, remember that God is at my right hand, he has been there for me from even before my birth, and he promises that He will never leave.
ü  I REFUSE to struggle with my problems. I will take on your invitation, O Lord, and take them to You in prayer and leave them there. I refuse to forfeit my peace, which you have so graciously given to me.
ü  I must remember that whatever happens, be it good or bad, it is Your will and you only mean best for me, so therefore I must praise you in good time and even more in bad!
ü  I must love and respect all those around me, even my enemies because You do!
ü  I must forget my own interest for the sake of others. And while I take care of others, You will take care of me.
ü  I am under obligation to represent your loving character to the world. Lord, please, guard my heart that I may not bring shame to your holy name and your gospel by any evil word or deed.
ü  In order to gain strength and be an overcomer, I must not neglect your word and communion with you, not spontaneously, or when convenient, but moment by moment of everyday.
ü  I must remember that when I fall short of the Glory of God, I MUST, MUST, GET BACK UP, despite the enemy’s advice to give up.
ü  I will love you, O Lord, with every fiber of my being! For You are the love of my life and my Redeemer. Amen!

Feel free to take these reminders if you like.

What are some of your daily reminders? Comments are welcomed! :)

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