Thursday, 30 August 2012

Welcome to the Secret Place in my Heart!!

What's up folks,

Welcome!! I have been reading blogs for quite some time now, until it hit me.. "Why am I not blogging too?!" I am a newbie to the blogging world, so bear with me here. I would just like to take the time to introduce myself briefly.
My name is Merlandy, also known as Landy. I am currently a student at the University of Toronto, I am a Seventh Day Adventist-Christian and  I am addicted to Christ, His love and His grace! Overall, I am just a normal girl with an AMAZING GOD! My purpose here is to fade into the background and allow Christ's glory to shine. I hope that you will be inspired and blessed in some way as I share my thoughts with you from "the secret place in my heart."

Want to know more about me? Don't hesitate to ask...after all, it is yours to discover! :)
PS: SUSCRIBE! It's Free!


  1. So tell me about your hot sister! lol just kidding... :P... nice to see you sharing your passion with others... I'll continue to pray that God will use this talent of yours to win souls to Him.

  2. Hey Big back AKA LANDY :D i also heard that you have a Cute Brother! You should share him on your blog, hahaha :p.... Hey Andie ^_^ Anyway, Landy i love that you sharing your faith & love for God with others, I to will also pray for you so that you will continue to do God's will...... LOVE YA SIS! lol u too Andie dnt get jealous, ohh and Tracy too.. SIGH :p


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :)