Friday, 31 August 2012

What is my Identity?

What's up folks,

Well I hope your seat belts are on, because the thoughts that come out of "the secret place in my heart" are quite random and may be "all over the place"... at times!  So buckle up and get ready for the journey!

On a more serious note, today I read a quote (it may not be new for some of you) by Gandhi. It said "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians; your Christians are so unlike your Christ." That quote hit home, it broke my heart and had me thinking DEEP! It was so hurtful to hear...because it was SO true! As Christians, we are supposed to be like our Christ, but we have lost track and strayed so far away from the example He left us here on earth. He left His throne of glory to become one with humanity to show us how to live as followers of God. His example was so perfect, pure and holy!

In her daily devotional called The faith I live by, Ellen White states "Christ was tender, compassionate, sympathetic and ever considerate to others. He represented the character of God and was constantly engaged in service for God and man. The followers of Christ must be partakers of His experience. They must assimilate the word of God, they must be changed into His likeness by the power of Christ and reflect the divine attributes. The spirit and work of Christ must become the spirit and work of Christ must become the spirit and work of His disciples" (White, 2000).

The question I ask myself is : Do I represent God to the fullest, does my lifestyle reflect the character of the Lord? Do I really know who I am and what my identity is? Am I a Christian not only by mouth but also by action, by dress, by comportment, by thoughts, by service to God and man, etc?

I am A CHILD OF GOD, A CHILD OF A HEAVENLY KING! I am the daughter of a creator....I am royalty! Lord, I want to be JUST LIKE YOU! Teach me to put my desire aside, my will aside, my glory aside and let Yours desire, will and glory take over. I want to make a commitment to you Lord: To always represent you; to be like the one I claim to follow. Humble me Lord, help me to submit to your will..because at the end of the day, it's not about ME, it's about YOU Lord. Help me to chase after you and follow you for the rest of my life.

Moving closer to becoming like my Christ!

What is your identity?

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :)